We continue to thank and praise the Lord for having the opportunity so far to serve as co-hosts on our podcast It's Now How You Start But How You Finish. We continue to thank the Lord for our past, current, and future guests. Also, we continue to thank the Lord for all of our listeners as well as receiving the blessed and helpful feedback we continue to receive on this podcast journey we are on. We would like you all to know that there will be a short break regarding the releasing of our new episodes but we will still encourage you to continue to catch up with listening to some of the episodes you haven’t gotten a chance to listen to or to feel free to listen again to our episodes you’ve already heard. If you have any questions please feel free to let us know by clicking on the contact tab to complete on our website at www.nothowyoustartbuthowyoufinish.com or feel free to email us directly at info@itsnothowyoustartbuthowyoufinish.com. Again, we continue to thank the Lord for all of our past, current, future guests as well as our listeners which continues to be a blessing to us & others so that overall lives will continue to be changed and God gets the glory! We pray that you all will continue to be safe and that you all will continue this journey with us. God bless.